Hello my sweet dear friends,

Chocolate. I need chocolate, a lot of it! White chocolate is my favorite, but dark will do.

Talk to me, call me, text me ... I need conversation! And I need it right now!

I cannot fall asleep now, that is the rule. 
I have to stay awake till a 'normal' bedtime hour.

What is normal? Seriously, can anyone tell me?
Not yet? When??

Is there a doctor out there? 
I really would like to have a solution for this, a potion , a pill, anything to get rid of it.
It is turning me into a total dysfunctional person, a zombie, a blood shed wide eyed creep that looks at you without seeing you , and that has absolutely nothing remotely sane to say because her mind is totally empty. 

You see, Jetlag and me , we do not get along so well, we are somehow even on non speaking terms. 

I am generally not thrilled at waking up at 3am to feel ... well, so awake! 
Oh and of course Ms Lollipop and I usually enjoy this early morning feeling awake thrill together. 
Ah yes, the joy of sharing jetlags with your child.
By the time you have convinced you own body it is really still in the middle of the night, please go back to sleep,
the child will pop in the room with alert eyes and a "let's start our day" mood.

"I am hungry ... "


By the time the rest of the town wakes up , you already have lived it, twice.
At breakfast you feel like you want to eat a bowl of soup for lunch.
At lunch you want to have a glass of wine and a steak, for dinner.
And at dinner you have to pinch yourself and slap your child to avoid from falling face down smack into your plate.

or was it the other way round?

sigh ...

What time is it?

Can I go to bed now ... please?

No more calling now, no more texting, I can close my dry red eyes and I will be back tomorrow!

That's a promise!

good night

Clare Eastwood
30/3/2012 03:18:30 pm

:-) ah, happy you arrived safely...jet lag really is the worse thing! Great excuse for a glass of wine at breakfast though :-D

30/3/2012 03:52:08 pm

A glass of Chardonnay at the early sun rise ...mmh, tempting :-)


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    Evelyn Mertens

    I am - in no particular order and  changeable at a split second any time of the day - a daughter, a mother, a friend, a wife, a sister. 
    I am however always... in my mind ... a writer. 

    Join me on my discovery of the world. I have been traveling and living in 5 different countries the last 12 years. Let me share my adventures. 

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