Passion is a word with many feelings connected.
It is not a calm word. It is full of twists and turns, activity and chaos.

That feeling that eats your belly, and makes you uneasy by the mere sound of it. 
That endless adrenaline rushing through your veins, and makes you feel you can conquer the world.

Often enough we connect passion with people. The love for that one other, the steaming sex connected to it.

The sweat on the skin after it, in the dim light of the evening sun.
The blockbusters are very good in showing us what passion looks like on the big screen.

I looked the word up in the dictionary and I was absolutely surprised it had a biblical origin. 
The first explanation: the suffering of Christ.

Wow, that is a turn to events for me.
I have no passionate feelings when I think of the suffering of Christ.
My stomach might turn in the same way, but the comparison ends there.

I also discovered that in Dutch the word 'passion' , besides the suffering of Christ, is merely connected to 'love'. 
The very deep 'love' for something or someone. 

In English however it is also connected to anger and rage. 
Passion translates as a very strong mixture of feelings, hence the connection to love and anger. 

"fly into a passion" means apparently you have an outburst of anger
With my Dutch 'passion' background I would have completely misunderstood this one....

My passion for languages, my passion for writing, my passion for reading, my passion for adventure and travel.
It is indeed a mixture of emotions.

Last night MrGuzzi showed me this little video.
It is a speech of the writer Neil Gaiman at the University of the Arts, Class 2012.
It is by far the most inspirational speech I have ever heard

He has a passion,
and I share it.

Enjoy your day,

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    Evelyn Mertens

    I am - in no particular order and  changeable at a split second any time of the day - a daughter, a mother, a friend, a wife, a sister. 
    I am however always... in my mind ... a writer. 

    Join me on my discovery of the world. I have been traveling and living in 5 different countries the last 12 years. Let me share my adventures. 

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